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Catch the bus to Gjøvik

It is easy and straightforward to get to Gjøvik by bus, often referred to as "the white city by Mjøsa".

A skipper together with two kids on board of SkibladnerPhoto: Didrick Stenersen/

Gjøvik offers attractions that appeal to most people. Here, you can experience small-town charm, with shopping and several cosy eateries, a rich cultural life, and proximity to nature experiences

Most notably, Gjøvik is known as the home port of DS Skibladner, the world's oldest paddle steamer still in scheduled service. During the summer season, Mjøsa's white swan carries passengers daily from Gjøvik to various ports along Lake Mjøsa. An iconic sight for history or boat enthusiasts!

For visitors seeking relaxation and perhaps some learning, a visit to Gjøvik gård (Gjøvik farm) is highly recommended. The farm, which was designated as a heritage site in 2008, is a museum that conveys the history of the city. Throughout the summer season, various events are also held here - so this really is where it happens.

Families with children and those who enjoy a bit of action will also find excitement in Gjøvik. An active family day at Gjøvik Klatrepark (Gjøvik Climbing Park) offers challenges for both young and old, and at Vitenmuseet (the Science Museum), there are experiments for everyone to try their hand at

In addition, Gjøvik is surrounded by beautiful nature that offers numerous hiking and biking opportunities.

Catch the bus to Gjøvik

NW162 Øst-Vest ekspressen

Departures to Gjøvik from Lillehammer, Fagernes, Lærdal, Flåm, Voss, Bergen

Bus stop: Gjøvik skysstasjon (bus station), 4 min. walk to the city center

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